Thursday, February 5, 2009

A chicken?

I was in the bathroom today on my third snow day this week wondering what I was doing here. Wondering why I am so board. Because I am a chicken was my answer but can I really say that now. Would a chicken move across the ocean? and try to teach the resultant children of a messed up educational system? So what if I don't have an engagement every night, would I at home? NO. I've gone out a few times and its only been three weeks. I went to the movies, dinner and the pub alone. I actually talked to! I also have a friend from work...Nazira. Although, the whole no drinking thing might put a crimp in my plans. Once Liz, the american, gets here, I hope to have someone to pub crawl with. The there is Aiden. A boy that I have only talk to once but want to talk to again. I went back to the pub to see if he was working but he was not :(

I was also thinking about my weight. Why did I think that I could go away and lose weight? I should have known from past experience that I would eat when I was sad and thus gain. But I was gaining at home too so maybe I wasn't happy there either.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Second week jitters

Tomorrow is the start of my second week of teaching out of a total of 26 weeks that I am here. Is it sad that I counted the weeks? Does it make sense that I am more nervous now then I was a week ago? I guess it does. Now, I know what they are like. And I don't just mean the kids. The kids I can almost understand. But the school is ridiculously unorganized and underfunded.

My first week, two additional classes showed up at my door. No one knew what was going on. I was supposed to get a induction, a meeting with a assistant head master, on the first day. I am supposed to have that tomorrow now. I didn't have any keys except to my class room until yesterday which was a big pain becasue everything is locked.

Most of the kids weren't that bad. A little talking and stuff just trying to see what I would do but some refuse to listen ot do anything. They can leave school when they are 16 just like us but it is way more common here. They can get a job and if they don't the governement will take care of them. They don't see why school is necessary, they think they should be free to do what they want. Which I guess I did too but I always knew school was leading somewhere... I didn't think it was leading me here though.

I think that i am dreading this week more because it is going to be harder. I am going to have to be stricter and give out punishments which means paperwork. I don't know if I am cut out for this. I want them to like me too much.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

First Saturday in Aylesbury

Well I am sitting here bored watching old NCIS. It is raining, but no one is surprised by that. It is also very windy. Today I moved from the Holiday Inn to the bed and breakfast that Sharon found for me. This place is huge. Precious, the owners real name, has five rooms for rent. Many people seem to stay her for long periods of time.

So far I have meet a man who is living here with his step daughter because he is going through a divorse and the kid that is not his came with him but the kid that is his he had to fight for visitation. He has been here since November.

I also breifly meet a guy who has been living here longer and is moving out. Back to his parents but only because they are leaving the country. He also has a girlfriend.

There is an older man here. I don't know his story yet but I hear he has only been here for a week.

And apparently there is another guy here but he is rarely seen.

And then there us Precious, who is a nurse who works nights but still finds time to run this place.

Today, I went for a walk into town. There is an Esso on the run on the corner, just like home. There is a cemitary close by that I am going to check out sometime...maybe I could wait until my Aunt Margaret comes to visit. I found the mall, of course. and spelt a bunch of money. That is how I have the internet now.

I chatted with a few people today... a guy at the hotel, the taxi driver, the guys at the phone store, a lady at the grocery store. I guess that's progess. Plus the people who live here. Every time I tell someone where I am going to be teaching the get this "oh" look on their face. It is starting to scare me. I knew the school had a reputation but this is crazy.